3 Reasons Why Google Adwords Can Be So Expensive
3 Reasons Why Google Adwords Is So Expensive And You Are Getting Ripped Off
Search results are the absolute core of Google’s business model, so it only makes sense that they charge a reasonable amount of money if you want to jump in straight at the top of the listings.
That being said, if you are running Google Adwords, they should always be profitable for your business and that leads us nicely into our first point.
1. You’re Not Calculating The Value Of Your Customer Correctly.
Say You Charge 350 AED for a personal training session but it costs you 200 AED to get a new client on Google Ads.
You may be thinking that is more than the Ad costs over 50% of the profit from that customer.
But what if the customer comes back for an extra 5 sessions, what if they sign up for a monthly package.
What if they also give you a good review on Google that attracts more customers ?
What if they also get you 2 or 3 word of mouth referrals?
The cost to acquire the customer would look a lot smaller in comparison to a client that only signs up for one session.
We need to know the average Lifetime Value of each new customer and that is how much we can spend to acquire that new customer.
2. Your Campaign Is Not Set Up Correctly
If you are in a market where Google Adwords is effective and you are not getting any leads, there is probably something wrong with your campaign.
If you are spending a lot of money and still not getting leads, there is almost certainly something wrong.
The most common one we see is when customers are using all broad match keywords and the queries that trigger the ads are not actually people looking for your business.
This can be devastating to your campaigns. You are wating spend and those unrelated terms can even cost more than the proper ones.
There are other problems too like a poor website or landing page that is not converting your visitors into leads.
If this is the case, you more than likely need the best PPC Agency in Dubai to help you.
3. Your Are In A Competitive Niche.
Some Niches are just expensive because all of your competitors are there and they are al willing to spend money for those vital leads.
This happens in areas where Google Ads are super effective and where potential clients are worth a lot of money.
Other than that, another reason could be that people dont actually search for your business, it is more of an impulse buy. That will suit Instagram and Facebook Marketing more.
If in, doubt give Pay Per Click Dubai a call for further info.